Looking for a supportive community of fellow job seekers?

Join the Golden Acorn Job Search Group! 

About the Group

Time: Weekly via Zoom, Mondays at noon-1 pm PT / 3-4 pm ET

Cost: FREE!

Group Overview:

  • This group meets weekly and runs year round. It is designed to be a psychologically safe space where you can share your challenges and support each other. It also serves as a source of accountability during the job search process. 

  • A member of the Golden Acorn team will be there to guide and facilitate, but most of the benefit will come from the community you create and the support you share with each other. Please come prepared to share what is going well in your job search and where you could use additional support. 

  • When you join, you also receive access to our private LinkedIn group and an Excel sheet of curated job search resources.

  • We welcome people joining anytime during the group, and there is no obligation to come every week. However, most job seekers benefit from semi-regular attendance for at least 4-8 weeks. 

  • Job seekers at any career stage and with any background are welcome to join; however, due to Golden Acorn's expertise, the group is primarily composed of early and mid-career job seekers in education, STEM, and business fields.

Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining!


We strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone—where they feel comfortable being their authentic selves. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly if you need/want additional accommodations.

Other groups we’re considering for the future…

  • Workplace Wellness

  • From Procrastination to Productivity

  • Self-care for international students and professionals

*Let us know which ones you are interested in seeing first!