Maryam Ghadiri, PhD, ACC

Transformational Life Coach

Dr. Maryam Ghadiri ​​​​is a trained scientist and education specialist with years of experience in curricula development, project management, and program assessment. Her multiple leadership roles including director of education and research in the Environmental Learning Center in Florida as well as her postdoctoral research at UC Davis School of Education showed her the power of becoming a strong leader and how ​coaching​ could help the team and individuals​ to unleash their power.

She designs multiple workshops, and programs to help academic professionals to overcome their limiting beliefs, create new possibilities, and find their true passion. For example, her interactive hands-on workshop called Science Communication through Painting encourages​ more than 100​ engineering​ and science students to tap into their creativity, cultivate empathy and connect deeply with each other.​ ​

She is an entrepreneur and co-founder and CEO of GoldenAcorn. She became a certified life fulfillment and leadership coach to work with mission-driven individuals who are successful but are looking for ways to transform their life, find their voice, and have meaningful contributions to the world. She helps her clients to define their ideal vision, find strategies to achieve their ideal vision, and support them to get there by empowering them through deep coaching, providing access to world-class tools, and unblocking them by identifying wrong habits and replacing them with the ones in line with client's vision.

Maryam is so passionate about storytelling and her love for writing stories grew after her immigration to the United States about 10 years ago when she found her healing in the process of writing about her childhood memories, documenting her experiences and feelings in a new academic system and exploring her identity in a new land that now she calls “home”.

In addition to her work at Golden Acorn, Maryam is a senior organizational development specialist at UC Davis and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Director at the ICF Sacramento, the Sacramento Charter Chapter of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).